Focus and Impress

Sharpen Your Freelance Coding Portfolio: As a freelance coder, your portfolio is your career spotlight. Make it focused on the work you want to do. So you’re the clear expert in the field to your customers. To do this you should: A targeted portfolio cuts through the noise, attracting the right clients and projects your…

The Riches are in the Niches

Be a ‘specific’ not a ‘generality’ in customer’s eyes As a freelance coder, carving out a niche for yourself can be a game-changer. It’s probably the intersection of your passion, expertise, and market demand that offers an. Specialization isn’t about limiting your potential.It is about honing it.When you specialize, you become the ‘go-to’ expert in…

Better Learning

Are you limiting your learning? Learning is limited by your ability to ignore distractions. Build a habit of removing distractions when you are learning so that focus on the material. Make sure the material is good. Not necessarily the best. Don’t waste time finding the latest and best material…Often the fundamental material is available in…

The Value of Systems

A profitable freelance business is most effective when it has efficient repeatable systems. As a freelancer, you have to: Whenever you see an activity arise that you need to repeat, it can be delivered more effectively by using a system to make it easily replicable and potentially outsourceable. Capture each activity as a flowchart and…

Impact of Failure

Failure is a potential issue for all of us But it is neither permanent nor is it terminal. Solid preparation will help you overcome any short-term failure. A strong mindset, a clear set of goals and a compelling vision are powerful elements that will help you overcome the feeling of failure and allow you to…

The Best Idea

You don’t necessarily have to have the best idea to succeed Look at how many businesses there are that are similar. There are lots of supermarkets and small shops…Many are successful. There are thousands of successful apps in the app store. It doesn’t need to be the best idea…The competition shows that this is a…

Negotiate in the other person’s seat

Negotiate from the understanding of what your ‘opponent’ wants. Knowing what the opponent wants will allow you to manoeuvre around the negotiation landscape and find a ‘Win-Win‘ outcome. The easiest way to find out what your opponent wants is to ask…Write is down in a shared area like a whiteboard and then work towards that…